Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • The members of the team frequently review articles and papers for Journal of Phonetics, JASA, Acta Acoustica, Computer Speech and Language, Speech communication, TAL, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction of Information Theory, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Signal Processing, Multimedia Tools, Pattern Recognition Letters, ICASSP, INTERSPEECH, EURASIP, JEP.

  • Member of editorial boards :

    • Speech Communication (J.P. Haton, D. Jouvet)

    • Computer Speech and Language (J.P. Haton)

    • EURASIP Journal on audio, Speech, and Music Processing (Y. Laprie)

  • Member of scientific commitee of conference :

    • TAIMA, SIIE (K. Smaïli, J.P. Haton)

    • JEP, (I. Illina)

  • Member of organisational conference committees :

    • AVSP 2013, (S. Ouni)

  • Coordinator of French part of ERASMUS Intensif Programme : Learning Computer Programming in Virtual Environment (I. Illina)

  • Reviewer of projects in the European FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) (Y. Laprie).

  • Member of “Conseil scientifique IRCOM Consortium corpus oraux et multimodaux” (D. Fohr)

  • Member of “Association Française pour la Communication Parlée” (French Association for Oral Communication) board (D. Langlois)

  • Member of the lorrain network on specific language and learning disabilities and in charge of the speech and language therapy expertise in the Meurthe-et-Moselle House of Handicap (MDPH) (A. Kipffer-Piquard)

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of Télécom- Bretagne, Brest (Jean-Paul Haton)

  • The members of the team have been invited as lecturer:

    • Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, Finnish Center of Excellence in Learning and Motivation - (Finlande, Jyväskylä).

    • Agnès Piquard-Kipffer, EHESP, Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Santé Publique - Rennes, Sorbonne Paris Cité Université.

    • David Langlois has presented the Machine Translation domain to students in University of Tunis, in 2012 november.

    • Anne Bonneau has presented “speech sounds” at the 5e congrès jeunes chercheurs "Chamboule tes sens" Nancy, March 2012.

    • Jean-Paul Haton : “Introduction à l’intelligence artificielle”, Ecole Doctorale SIMEM, Caen, 24/04/2012

    • Jean-Paul Haton : “Intelligence artificielle et langue : état des lieux”, Journée “IA et TALN” AFIA-ATALA, Paris, 12/03/2012

    • Jean-Paul Haton : “Automatic Speech Recognition ; past, present and future”, Invited Keynote Speech, EUSIPCO, Bucharest, 28/08/2012